onsdag den 19. oktober 2011

At bo i Dubai...aber dabei!

Jeg har længe gået med en drøm om at kunne bo i et land med andre normer og med en større frihed til at vælge mulighederne i mit liv.

Jeg har set mig varm på Dubai, men er lidt nervøs over om det er for svært at bo der. Det er trods alt et muslimsk land, hvis normer jeg ikke rigtig forstår. F.eks. forstår jeg ikke at man kan bevæge sig ud i byen uden vand og mad. Er det virkelig sådan, at man ikke kan spise eller drikke i løbet af dagen, hvis man ikke lige er muslim?

Jeg tænker at bosætte mig i Dubai, men med familie- og erhvervsmæssige relationer i Danmark. Da jeg er professionel programudvikler, har jeg egentlig kun behov for en lynhurtig internetforbindelse og en god computer med et godt headset og HD Webcam, så er jeg klar til at erobre verden.

Uden kone og børn i nærheden, skal jeg kun koncentrere mig om det jeg egentlig altid har været god til. Hvad er det, som kan stoppe mig fra at gå ind i dette livsprojekt? Er der en indre uro, eller mangler der selvtillid og troen på at lykkes - også med de forretningsmæssige sider? Gode spørgsmål som jeg har gjort op med mig selv, ikke skal forhindre mig i at se fremad.

Kunne man finde nogle dygtige samarbejdspartnere i Dubai, kunne det blive til meget mere, og så er iværksætteren allerede i fuld gang.

Det kunne være sjovt at høre fra andre danskere i Dubai, og se hvordan man kan mødes i disse omgivelser.

fredag den 30. september 2011

How to make Excel available from SQL Server

Yesterday, I got an assignment to read an Excel spreadsheet. Well, well, well... How can I do that. As usually, I searched Google, and I found a lot of crab, but after a while; I found something about linked servers in SQL Server.

Here is what I found.

Place the Excel document in a place, available to the SQL Server.
1. Open "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" (MSSMS).
2. Connect to the database of choice as an administrator or similar user
3. Change according to your needs, and run this script on the database.

DECLARE @server nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @srvproduct nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @provider nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @datasrc nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @location nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @provstr nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @catalog nvarchar(128)
-- Set parameter values
SET @server = 'XLTEST_SP'
SET @srvproduct = 'Excel'
SET @provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'
SET @datasrc = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\MultiMark POS Dump V1.2 - Copy.xlsm'
SET @provstr = 'Excel 12.0'
EXEC @RC = [master].[dbo].[sp_addlinkedserver] @server, @srvproduct, @provider,
@datasrc, @location, @provstr, @catalog

4. Open the Server Objects folder in Object Explorer.
5. Open Linked Servers.
6. Right-click Linked Servers.
7. Click Refresh. Now, you see the Linked Server XLTEST_SP.
8. Right-Click XLTEST_SP.
9. Click Properties in the context menu. Popping up "Linked Server Properties - XPTEST_SP".
10. Set the Security to "Be made using this security context:"
11. Remote Login: Admin
12. With password blank.
13. Hit the OK button. And everything ready for use.

14. Expand the XLTEST_SP Linked Server.
15. Expand the Catalog folder.
16. Expand the default folder.
17. Expand the Tables folder.

Now a list of tables will be available. These tables are actual names of the Sheets in the Excel document.

There are a lot of drawbacks to this access method, but with some disciplined behavior it is feasible to use Excel as a data source like SQL Views.

mandag den 11. oktober 2010

Danish Browser Game - Armatribes.com

I just wanted to show you a game, my company is majority owner in. It's an interessting game where you can build one or more cities, make diplomatic alliances, and battle for your own, and your alliance's ambitions.

They have also made a new version, where you can buy your own William Wallace to withstand bigger players; when they attack you. Also a wonder; which can give great benefits to the owners of the wonder; has been introduced. This way, the alliance has a reason to be strong.

I am looking forward to see this game out in the beginning of 2011.

There's a beta version out there for helping the developers to make it stable. http://beta.armatribes.com

fredag den 31. juli 2009

Wi-Fi sensitivity is an urban myth

Stories appearing in The Sun, The Telegraph, and The Daily Mail, and on Fox News have been claiming that two percent of the world suffer from an illness called "Wi-Fi sensitivity".


Acer Aspire Timeline 4810t might be the perfect laptop for business travellers

Slick looks and astonishing battery life make this the pick of the bunch for travelers, especially for the business person on the go.

Read review

torsdag den 30. juli 2009